The inaugural get-together of the fledgling club was at the River Club in Observatory in September 1986 (then known as the Railways Club).
Alex Bartholomew (a resident of Pinelands) who was a member of the Crankhandle Club approached Morris Minor owners in Cape Town with a view to starting a club here. Cars present at the inaugural get-together included those of Pat & Hilton Rainier-Pope, Paul & Bobs Gyselman and Icky Kurgan.
The inaugural Committee Meeting was held later that year on the 3rd December. Those present included Alex Bartholomew, Jennifer Bradley, Paul Gyselman, Tony Harrison, Louis Lipshitz, Leon Matz, Jeff Nel, Gwen & John Phillips, Hilton Rainier-Pope and Marc van Tubbergh. Dave Gerstner was absent but was our Editor for many years.
Once the club had been established, Alex Bartholomew approached Gary Dodds (who had started the movement in P.E. in 1981) and we were then invited to participate at the Bloemfontein Rally held in Maselspoort in 1988. Although we were classed as “visitors” we were able to participate in the Rally and in fact we won a few prizes for Driving Skills, Fun Run etc.
Arising out of that get-together, the Cape Town Club was accepted into the National Body, even though we accepted ‘modified’ cars with non-original colour, trim, 1100 engines, wide wheels etc. not to mention Hilton & Pat’s supercharged lowlight.
Cape Town Club attended the next National Rally held in P.E. in 1990 and there we were informed that we would be hosting the 1992 Rally! This after only a couple of years in the national fold.
Anyway, I think Cape Town Club acquitted itself very well, taking our visitors to the Winelands, Simonstown, past Chapman’s Peak to the Waterfront where we displayed our cars at the Pierhead area nogal!
We attended the next Rallies held in Durban & Kroonstad and then held the next Rally here, at Goudini, in 2000. By all accounts, that Rally was the best ever, setting the bar higher than it had been. We next held a Rally in 2010 and again, we were complimented on our efforts. Over 150 people participated at that Rally with some 70 cars being on display on the Show Day in Worcester.
Recognition must be given to those members who served on committee in past years and especially those who are now deceased. These include Alex Bartholomew (the founding Chairman), Gwen Phillips, Pat Rainier-Pope, Willie Lombard from Worcester and Vic Rossouw from Stellenbosch. Other persons who need to be acknowledged include Anne van Zyl, Richard & Joy Gwynne-Evans and Craig Buchanan, our Chairman at the time of the successful 2000 Rally. Craig & his wife Melanie now live in Canada.
Craig was succeeded by Tony Harrison, then by Steve Leibbrandt, Malcolm Jones and then Frikkie Muller.
The objectives of the Club are the preservation of Morris Minors, preferably in original condition, organising National Rallies every two years, Club outings and participation in car displays and shows.