Our MMOC Committee extends to all members and their families and friends, a cordial invitation to attend all ourmeetings, especially driving your Morris Minor! Only by regular use can
aninvestment be properly preserved. It is a recognised fact that a car sittingaround, unused,
deteriorates alarmingly quickly! Dates have provisionally been set aside for our club outings, but inevitably some last minute
changes might have to be made. If this happens, our Events Co-ordinator, Rusty Clover,
will try his best to contact members. Please contact Rusty on (012) 347 8291 (h) or 083-264-6240,
or one of our Committee members before the outings, to make 100% sure of the details.
Events are scheduled for the whole year, but as these may change because of weather conditions
or other factors, the later events will be listed in the nextedition.
Our Committee would welcome suggestions for future outings.
Copyright @2020-2022 MMOC SA